Africa Mupya

We want to see a new Africa for the glory of God. Welcoming entrepreneurs, freelance workers, recent graduates, pastors and anyone seeking the truth. Come join us.

Million People in DRC

Did you know that sub-Saharan Africa is one of the few large areas in the world where the population is growing significantly? Yet, it seems that economic growth in this area will not create enough quality jobs for young people. 

Most countries in Europe and several large countries in Asia like Japan, Korea, and China will have populations that shrink because women are not having enough children to replace the existing population. This is just one of the leading factors in a global labor shortage. Places like the United States, Europe, Australia, and Singapore are struggling to fill job openings and meet the need for talented employees.  

These facts create a significant opportunity for people in sub-Saharan Africa to help subdue the earth and build Jesus’ kingdom, making Africa a little more like heaven in accordance to God’s will. 

To embrace this opportunity, sub-Saharan African people must think and work differently. That is why we call this website Africa Mupya. We want to see a new Africa. 

Who are we? 

We are a group of Americans and Congolese who want to see a new Africa for the glory of God. 

New Ways of Thinking

Over the past 10 years, we have worked together to provide new ways of thinking about building Jesus’s kingdom and the nature of work, business, and profitWe have also provided training and coaching to help entrepreneurs start and grow businesses that employ other people. 

Training and Coaching

For three years, we have provided training and coaching for freelancers who want to use to find freelance work. connects freelancers with companies all over the world that need work to be done. 

Into the Word

In addition to training people for business and entrepreneurship, we believe that the Word of God is essential to living a great life and learning how to succeed in business. We also believe that what we do today has an eternal impact For these reasons, we prioritize sharing God’s word in various ways.  

What is a freelancer?

One of the forms of entrepreneurship is becoming a professional freelancer. A freelancer is an independent contractor who is self-employed and hired to work for different companies on particular assignments. They take on contract work task-based projects or provide flexible or short-term services in exchange for payment. Freelancers can work for multiple companies rather than working all the time for a single organization.

Some examples of typical freelance work include translation services (Swahili, Lingala, French, English, Spanish, etc.), web development, programming, spreadsheet creation using Microsoft Excel, video editing and transcription, data entry, typing, and digital marketing. 


Why does this matter?

There are several ways to build economies to help people live better:  

Extract minerals

Most of this value does not get to the people


Export farm and animal products or manufactured products

Exports are difficult for parts of sub-Saharan Africa that do not have easy access to an airport or the ocean


Grow farm and animal products for local consumption

This is often dependent upon land ownership


Manufacture products for local consumption

Manufacturing is difficult if parts have to be imported into remote areas


Export human intelligence through freelancing or remote work

This is a new way of thinking for many developing nations

For eastern DR Congo and many places in sub-Saharan Africa, we believe exporting human intelligence is a way to grow the economy quickly with no need for external investment or starting capital. It is also not dependent on tribalism or favoritism.

Our goal is to have at least 100 people doing freelance work in eastern Congo who earn at least $2,000 USD per year using websites like We desire to see you in this group of people. In remembrance of the African proverb, “If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together;” when doing freelance work, it can be beneficial to have many people working together. We see the possibility of those people renting a large space and sharing the office, electricity and internet service as well as collaborating to earn more income. After a few years, we think many of these freelancers will start a business using the knowledge and skills that they have learned as a freelancer. 

We believe that a network of Kingdom-focused freelancers will build the economy in DR Congo and sub-Saharan Africa.

And we want you to join us in our mission.   

Let's Share the Word

For more than 10 years, we have distributed solar-powered MP3 players with the Bible in French, Swahili, Lingala, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, and English. These players enable people to listen to the Word of God so they can know Jesus and understand His commands and promises. Our entrepreneurship training includes both Biblical principles and traditional business principles. We have also developed practical Bible studies to help people apply the Word of God to their lives. 

Get Started with a Bible Study


A Few Guiding Principles

Open Bible on table

Biblical Foundations

We believe that we are created in God’s image, meaning we are designed to create. We also believe God commanded us to subdue the earth. Through our work, we will glorify God by making his kingdom on earth a little more like heaven.  

Jesus reaching hand out on a road

Jesus Will Provide

Here is one thing that we do not do. We are not like an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) or a savings and credit cooperative or similar association. We do not provide money for projects. We do not invest or loan money to businesses. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ will provide everything needed by an entrepreneur who follows Jesus. 

Keep the problems small

Fail Small

We also believe that entrepreneurs should start small and learn about business. When an entrepreneur starts small, the failures are small. Every entrepreneur experiences both successes and failures. The failures usually come first. Small failures cost much less than big failures and the learning is the same.   

Why is your time valuable?








Time is a limited resource. If you use your time to learn and read, then you do not have that same time to spend walking to a friends house or going to the market. However, when you invest in yourself, it is one thing that can never be taken away. Your mind is a wonderful resource. Developing your skills and learning new concepts will make you a more valuable entrepreneur. 

On this website, you will find many valuable resources. The resources are not free. While the resources will not cost you any money, they will cost you valuable time and effort to apply them in your life. You will have to spend time and apply what you are learning to get value out of these resources.



Upwork Training Video thumbnail

Upwork Training Videos

Our Faith & Trust Bible Study is a free study about faith and entrepreneurship that qualifies you to receive access to step-by-step training videos to get you started on Upwork. You’ll also earn resources and mentorship, including peer support and the ability to join the EHI community.

Strategic Prayer Group

Strategic Prayer

The EHI Freelancers recently created a strategic prayer list based on this verse from the book of John: “‘Whatever you ask in my name, I will do.‘ As a team, let’s pray for what we need Jesus to help us with to build His Kingdom. 

Past EHI Meeting Notes

Our EHI group – those who are committed to exporting human intelligence through freelancing or remote work – meet monthly. Read past meeting notes to gain valuable insights and learn from shared experiences.

When the road gets tough...

People who join us are pioneers. A pioneer is a person who is one of the first to explore or find a new place. You can be a pioneer in this new freelancing work by being one of the first to learn how to get freelancing jobs, by valuing your time and your mind as a resource, and by exporting your human intelligence to help grow the Congolese economy. You will see that helping the country for God’s glory does not have to be limited to becoming a politician, pastor, or religious leader. 

You will also have the support of other “pioneers” on this journey – a group of freelancers who meet regularly to share their knowledge, their struggles, and their prayers.  

But most importantly, you will have the love and grace of Jesus Christ with you along your journey. “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32) 


Get Started with a Bible Study