lesson 4: faith & Trust Bible study To view the subtitles in French, press the 'CC/Subtitles' button and choose 'Français'. Lesson 4: Faith & Trust Bible Study You can press 'Save and Continue' at the bottom of this form to be able to return to this form at another time.To avoid losing your answers due to an unstable internet connection, consider pressing 'Save and Continue'. Additionally, you can draft your responses in a Word document before entering them into the form.Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) 1. In Daniel 1:1-4, we see that Daniel and his friends were kidnapped by King Nebuchadnezzar. In Daniel Chapter 1, do you see evidence that Daniel and his friends obeyed God? List the verses that prove your answer.(Required)2. Is obeying God a form of trust? Explain the reason for your answer.(Required)3. Is God asking you to obey Him as a form of trust? How does God want you to obey Him?(Required)4. Look for other verses in Daniel chapters 2-6 that show Daniel and his friends obeying God.(Required)5. As you read Daniel chapters 2-6, look for the characteristics of God that show He is competent and reliable. Put another way, look for the characteristics of God which make Him trustworthy. List the verses that prove your answer.(Required)6. When Daniel and his friends trusted God, did they know with complete certainty that God would save them? List the verses that prove your answer.(Required)7. Did God bless Daniel and his friends even though they had been kidnapped and were not free to leave Babylon? List the verses that support your answer.(Required)8. You saw how Daniel and his friends trusted God and God rewarded their obedience. How does God want you to obey and trust Him?(Required)Prior to posting on Africa Mupya: Please send the Faith & Trust Bible Study to three friends who would benefit from joining Africa Mupya, a group of Americans & Congolese who want to see a new Africa for the glory to God.(Required) I sent the Faith & Trust Bible Study to three friends. Copy this link to send the Bible Study Sign Up to a friend: https://africamupya.com/bible-study-sign-up/9.Once you complete this quiz, the final step to complete the Faith & Trust Bible Study is to consider the questions below and share your thoughts as a post on the Africa Mupya Facebook page. If someone asked you, “What Makes God Trustworthy?” what would you say? If someone asked you, “What do I need to do in order to trust God?” what would you say? If someone said to you, “There are a lot of problems in my life. Where is God?” what would you say? Please write below what your post on Africa Mupya's Facebook page says.(Required)Post on Africa Mupya's Facebook Page:Once you press 'Submit', do not forget to to complete your post on Africa Mupya's Facebook page. Click button below called "Click to Post on Africa Mupya" to complete your post.