transferable skills To view the subtitles in French, press the 'CC/Subtitles' button and choose 'Français'. After watching the Transferable Video: 1. Click this link: Most In-Demand Skills to see what skills are most hirable on Upwork. 2. List your Transferable Skills After researching the Most In-Demand Skills website, answer the following questions.Upwork is an English-speaking platform, and communicating in English is required. Please answer all questions in English.Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) To assess your suitability for Upwork, please confirm if you have expertise in any of the Most In-Demand Skills. Please provide a list of your Transferable Skills.(Required)Provide detailed and specific information for each Transferable Skill you listed: Proficiency Level: (Beginner, Intermediate, Expert) Years of Experience: (How long have you applied this skill in a work environment) Practical Application: (How have you used this skill in past roles?) Achievements/Results: (Any notable accomplishments or results?)(Required)What specific software are you skilled in? Examples include: Microsoft Office (Word/Excel), Google Suite (Docs/Sheets), Website Software (WordPress, SquareSpace, Wix, Weebly, Shopify. etc.)