transferable skills To view the subtitles in French, press the 'CC/Subtitles' button and choose 'Français'. After watching the Transferable Video: 1. Click this website, Most In-Demand Skills, to see what skills are most hirable on Upwork. 2. List your Transferable Skills After viewing the Most In-Demand Skills website, answer the following questions.Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Do you have any skills from the list of Most In-Demand Skills that are hirable on Upwork? Please share your Transferable Skills:(Required)Please detail your experience with each Transferable Skill and specify your proficiency level for each skill. Be as clear as possible, as your experience will help us determine your eligibility for Upwork Profile mentorship.(Required) Click the button below to take Duolingo's free English exam. Free Duolingo English Exam