EHI, or Exporting Human Intelligence, is a training created to help people grow their businesses or join the “gig economy” by using online freelance platforms, such as Upwork. 

July 2024 EHI Online Meeting

DATE: 12 July 2024 Welcome and Prayer Augustin opened the meeting with prayer.  Discussion  Greg: It is great to have everyone with us today! Elin, do we have something to celebrate? Elin: Congratulations to Iragi for being awarded Top-Rated on Upwork! Greg:...

May 2024 EHI Online Meeting

DATE: 24 May 2024  Welcome and Prayer Mike opened the meeting with prayer.  Discussion  Greg: Do we have anyone joining this call for the first time?  Jonas: I am here for the first time! I’m Jonas!   Greg: Great! Welcome. Philemon, did you have a good celebration...

April 2024 EHI Online Meeting

DATE: 19 April 2024  Welcome and Prayer  Philemon opened the meeting with prayer.  Discussion  Greg: Philemon has earned the Top-Rated Badge on Upwork! This means he is in the top 10% of Talent on Upwork. Elin: This badge lets clients know you have a track record of...

March 2024 EHI Online Meeting

DATE: 22 March 2024  Welcome and Prayer  Justin opened the meeting with prayer.  Discussion  Greg: Philemon, how has working on Upwork been?  Philemon: A client asked me to take some classes before I joined his enterprise. I did those courses that were based on...

February 2024 EHI Online Meeting

DATE: 16 February 2024  Prayer & Welcome Augustin opened the meeting with prayer.  Bible Verse  Ephesians 5:1-2  (NIV) Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a...

December 2023 EHI Online Meeting

DATE: 12-15-2023  Welcome and Prayer  Iragi opened the meeting with prayer.  Discussion  Greg: When considering how to build your Upwork profile, consider how you can use the skills you’re already using in your current job in other ways for an online client. You may...

November 2023 EHI Online Meeting

DATE: 11-17-2023   Welcome and Prayer Iragi opened the meeting with prayer.  Discussion Elin: Specialized profiles are recommended by Upwork to help increase your visibility to potential customers. When you have a general profile, you can create a second,...

October 2023 EHI Online Meeting

DATE: 10-13-2023 Welcome and Prayer Iragi opened the meeting with prayer.  Bible Verse Hebrews 12:11  (NIV) No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by...

Upwork AI Guidelines and Tips

Upwork AI Guidelines and Tips

Summary Using AI (artificial intelligence) can be a helpful aide, but should never replace thoughtful writing. Do not copy and paste. Instead, use AI as a guide to collect your thoughts.  Use as a starting point only  Customize computer-generated content to reflect...

September 2023 EHI Online Meeting

DATE: 9-15-2023 Welcome and Prayer Rigo welcomed everyone to the call. Iragi led the group in prayer.  Bible Verse Proverbs 12:24  (NIV) Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in forced labor.  (LSG) La main des diligents dominera, Mais la main lâche sera...